Monday, August 17, 2009

Bernie Dexter: sweetly cheeky modern pin-up model

Some people in this universe, for one reason or the other, seem to get allllll the good genes. It's like they won the genetic lottery and, let's face it, although beauty doesn't give you a free pass to drive fast and wreckless down Easy Street, it sure does help you get out of the speeding ticket. While I certainly don't think I lost out on the big prize in that respect, I'd still have to work my ass off (literally and figuratively) to have a job where I got to dress up in fun clothes, have my hair and makeup done and prance around while someone takes my photo.

That said, maybe if I was more of a motivated person in general, I'd be posting a photo of myself here. INSTEAD, I take a moment to pause and rain praise upon Bernie Dexter, one of the cutest, sexiest (and luckiest) pin-up models I've run across in my hot roddin' travels around the interwebz.

I mean seriously...just looking at her smile makes me, well, want to smile. She beckons. She titillates. She makes me want to buy vintage clothing from websites I might not otherwise shop at. Yes, she most obviously resembles a "certain someone" that those of us into this particular pastime (of the hot rodding nature) know all too well, but she still seems to have a special charm all her own.

In case you're wondering where this all came from, I realized that if the Greaser Garage is lacking in anything it is clearly an abundance of hot chicks.

I mean, you know...from a straight up nerdy webmaster internet traffic SEO point of view. ;)

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